How To Get Headphone Jack in iPhone 7: Initially many Apple user disagreed from Apple next big step for removal of the headphone jack in iPhone 7. Many of us think Apple is promoting their $150 AirPods or other Wireless Headphone from other companies. As now over many users gets satisfy with Apple decision and new iPhone 7 is really luring heart of many Apple user. But some still hurt with this issue as sometimes user get in an ugly situation as they wanted to charge iPhone and listen to audio which is really though for Apple user unhappy with it.

But one guy has really a brilliant idea as Team from YouTube TechRax has posted a video on their channel showing a brilliant idea How to get Headphone jack back in your iPhone 7 Watch the video down below and comment about it.

While the matter that why Apple has removed the headphone jack is shown courage but I am just kidding as Wireless is becoming future and who want to Unbind wire Headphone and listen to music. Also, high bit rate music would not be available for the user so removing headphone jack may bring high bit rate audio possible in the mobile device. There are much more reasons for why Apple remove headphone jack in iPhone 7 but Apple could also bring more solution to iPhone so they can prove the much better answer for headphone removal.

But what you think to be the best or worst reason for removal of headphone jack comment down below thank you.


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