SmartPhones To Get Replaced By SmartGlasses: Suggests Microsoft HoloLens & Insider Chiefs

Microsoft AR, Microsoft VR, Microsoft Mixed Reality, Microsoft SmartGlasses, Microsoft Smartphones, Microsoft HoloLens, New Mobile Technology, SmartPhones Replacement, SmartPhones Screen Alternative
Is SmartPhone Going To Be A History?

SmartPhones To Get Replaced By SmartGlasses – Suggests Microsoft HoloLens & Insider Chiefs: I know it’s pretty very hard to believe & even think about that but if we see around 20-25 years back these today’s smartphones that we carry in our pockets & use for computing, communicating, playing, paying & several other purposes was just a dream in those days. But today we live with that dream in actual life & don’t get surprised even by that. Likewise if one says that these facilities will be provided in the wearing SmartGlasses itself in nearby future everyone goes wondering again, but yes it is possible & if done so no one will question anymore again after a few years.

What Comes Into Your Mind? If We Say SmartGlasses Are Going To Replace SmartPhones Soon:

Many of them would call it a Sci-Fi fantasy but it takes no time in today’s generation to bring such fantasies into a reality at ground level for the SmartGlasses. And we have done that in the past few years yet proving the theories going around, if not convinced Go through & have a look at the past evolution of our sweet world. Some people only enjoy these theories in Sci-Fi movies & some take it as a challenge, getting inspired, igniting their imagination power, unpinning the confidence deep in their hearts & perform the task successfully. So if the HoloLens creator i.e Alex Kipman or the Windows Insider Chief Dona Sarkar, suggests the AR SmartGlasses to replace today’s world Smart Phones, we should not get surprised but instead be ready with some passionate resistance to get some quick technological evolution sooner or later.

Microsoft AR, Microsoft VR, Microsoft Mixed Reality, Microsoft SmartGlasses, Microsoft Smartphones, Microsoft HoloLens, New Mobile Technology, SmartPhones Replacement, SmartPhones Screen Alternative
SmartGlasses Will Replace SmartPhones: Its Not A Sci-Fi Fantasy

Now we will be taking you all through the “Who said What Section?” below:

“Smart Phones are Dead,” says Alex Kipman:

Alex Kipman already indicated the declining use of Smart Phones in the near future & said that- “Smartphones are yesterday’s news. The phone is already dead. People just haven’t realized.” He is looking at the present technological trends while observing the pathway being followed & tells where that path is going to lead in the future. He is also looking forward to mixed reality i.e. the spectrum from Augmented Reality to Virtual Reality to become mainstream & in turn emerging as the next personal computing & communication model.

Microsoft AR, Microsoft VR, Microsoft Mixed Reality, Microsoft SmartGlasses, Microsoft Smartphones, Microsoft HoloLens, New Mobile Technology, SmartPhones Replacement, SmartPhones Screen Alternative
SmartPhones Are Dead: Says Alex Kipman

Kipman also seems to be predicting technology like Microsoft’s AR Holographic Wearable computer, the HoloLens to be replacing the physical screens & balancing the physical & digital world by merging them. Kipman also stated that:

The potential of these devices is that they could one day replace your phones, TVs, and all these screens. Once your apps, videos, information, and even social life are projected into your line of sight, you won’t need any other screen-based gadgetry … [it’s] the “natural conclusion” of mixed reality.

It’s Unnatural To Stare At A SmartPhone Screen – Dona Sarkar: 

Most people spend their time looking at their SmartPhone screen whether it would be a dinner time or any other public place & this number also include peoples of varying ages. Dona Sarkar’s point of viewing the mobile technology & Microsoft’s investments in the sector of ARM, HoloLens SmartGlasses, Cellular & mixed reality is to develop such mobile technology which involves much human interaction while restricting the use of SmartPhones to a minimum.

Microsoft AR, Microsoft VR, Microsoft Mixed Reality, Microsoft SmartGlasses, Microsoft Smartphones, Microsoft HoloLens, New Mobile Technology, SmartPhones Replacement, SmartPhones Screen Alternative
Dona Sarkar Doesn’t Finds Staring A SmartPhone Screen Natural Anymore

Sarkar was also found Quoting:

Let’s talk about what mobile means … people think about mobile as this thing that they carry around in their pocket … I love my 950 XL … but that is not the only mobile device on the planet. HoloLens is a mobile device … There are going to be new device categories in the future that are also going to be mobile devices. It will be about things you carry with you everywhere you go.

And as humans it is actually very unnatural for us to stare at a screen … this has only been around for the last 10 years … it makes us antisocial, it makes us not behave the way humans do.

The Ultimate Vision:

Microsoft AR, Microsoft VR, Microsoft Mixed Reality, Microsoft SmartGlasses, Microsoft Smartphones, Microsoft HoloLens, New Mobile Technology, SmartPhones Replacement, SmartPhones Screen Alternative
“The Ultimate Vision Is To Develop New Mobile Technology Through Microsofts Investments Like The HoloLens” – Kipman & Sarkar

Both Kipman & Sarkar was focused to convert the SmartPhone technology into a totally mobile technology that falls under a new device category. And for that category, the digital life of people will get an easier way to meet with the physical world via a Screenless mobile device & hence replacing SmartPhones. So basically the vision is focussed on designing an ultimate mobile device or a Surface phone on to Full Windows AR SmartGlasses.


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