macOS Sierra Released By Apple In WWDC 2016

    MacOS Sierra 2016
    MacOS Sierra 2016

    MacOS Sierra Released By Apple In WWDC 2016: Apple today kicks of the stage with four new great release with enhancement which includes watchOS3, tvOS, macOS and iOS 10. As updates really interpret that Apple is far more ahead than any thinking of other software Giants like Google or Microsoft. By making each interface and yearly crafted it makes things to user is really refined and amazing. Yesterday on WWDC 2016 we really comes forward for future with Apple with all the concept which made alive our imagination and with all the content which makes things more better.

    Apple WWDC 2016
    Apple WWDC 2016

    Apple introduce new OS X or macOS which is the most advanced OS yet with the feature that no other OS can match and with the simplicity no other can reach. It’s over many year Apple introduce  OS X which is all time of future ahead concept which made alive by Apple. From desktop to interface each and every thing is built by Apple with there own vision of future. So today Apple release a next version macOS Sierra. Let talk about what else is change.

    MacOS Sierra Released By Apple In WWDC 2016:

    New Name over new Tag:

    • Apple finally changes branding of OS X which serves them over 15 years from Panther to Jaguar from Lion to Tiger and from Mavericks to El Capitan all comes with OS X tag but Apple finally changes this lineup to macOS as similar to all other line up as iOS, watchOS and tvOS.
    • While as per name concern of the macOS Apple this year again collected a team rush them toward holiday and finally they come up with the name Sierra which is the Mountain range as California. As the whole interface is inspired with it.

      MacOS Sierra 2016
      MacOS Sierra 2016

    Auto Unlock:

    • Auto unlock a feature a based on the presence of user to authenticate the the Mac password so you won’t need to type, retype again and again. As this feature works with Apple Watch as this is based on most private and safe network as device as connected with each other without any involvement.

      MacOS Sierra Auto Unlock
      MacOS Sierra Auto Unlock

    • User can seamlessly start to work from the lid up of the Mac as this feature instantly authenticate is you and open the bypass the lock screen. As far iPhone or iPad there is no involvement is mentioned but upgrade can include these two so user can authenticate deep into it with protection of TouchID.

    More Continuity:

    • Continuity is feature which makes devices like iOS works seamlessly with Macs so user can have to wait for the other way to connecting both device. Continuity with power of handoff makes both device a companion of each other.

      MacOS Sierra Handoff Features
      MacOS Sierra Handoff Features

    Universal Clipboard:

    • Now user can copy on iPhone and Paste it on Mac as this feature allow user to works seamlessly with each other so earlier user have to send it to Mac then they have to copy while now user can simply copy on iPhone and paste it on Macs which saves lots of time and made work more simpler.


    • Tabs are the way to easily organize the Windows in Safari tabs do a systematic way of organize the Safari web pages so user can easily identify it. Now power of Tabs comes over whole UI of Sierra so user can easily organize each and every window of the separate App or Windows come and organize in a simple tabs so user can easily go across other part of the App. Tabs are works natively for Mac so Apps developers don’t have to add new code to it.

    Safari with power of Apple Pay:

    • Apple Pay finally makes it’s entry towards Mac with under hood of Safari so now user can use Apple Pay using your Mac. With simple pay buttons on the website supporting it by clicking it opens a authentication bar with a TouchID authentication or Apple Watch if nearby user Simply allow to pay and bang this is done which so easy and simple with flick of a button. Many site are start to supporting Apple Pay so get ready to Pay with Macs.

      MacOS Sierra Safari with power of Apple Pay
      MacOS Sierra Safari with power of Apple Pay

    Photos really brings life:

    • Apple finally introduce Photo App updates which includes new Memories tabs, Maps location of the photos, intelligent imprint of Siri and Face recognition which makes app worth for. The new App comes with same interface layout with new memories tabs which holds and create whole lots of memories so user can re-imagine the holiday as it was with new auto create video mode which details about trips new text to separate whole lot of trips  and much more to try about it.

      MacOS Sierra Photos
      MacOS Sierra Photos

    • Now intelligent search reads photos and separate it according to situations and made new block of it so user can easily see how many selfies they have taken or mountains photos of all their photos and much more. Intelligent also include search so user can easily write there own way of search and gets the result.
    • Maps arrange the trips according to location so easily makes things to where to make next vacation. And finally faces Mac photo app is previously have this tabs which has separate photos according to person so it is easy to look around each faces. Photos app is same available for iOS and works seamlessly with each other. There are other refinement like editing video with filters and much effect and much more try it.

    Picture in Picture:

    • Apply introduce Multitasking feature in last’s year iOS 9 only for iPads user really loved it and most of the best part is picture in picture view now user can take video out of the website and enjoy content while doing som other work while on window or full screen mode. Picture in Picture works perfectly and make enjoy content more easy.

    iTunes becomes lots simpler:

    • iTunes app in Mac is the best music app till with many features as no other matches. Apple today introduce more simpler and refine way to using Apple Music. The while UI is simpler than previous one with only content will be the master than other and Music is always on demand.

      MacOS Sierra iTune
      MacOS Sierra iTune

    iMessage Revolution:

    • iMessage really revolutionize the way we send text with many new refinement of iMessage makes texting interested more than ever with new rich notifications support user can use links with rich notifications. As new way to interact with app in the iMessage so user can stay in it. Opening gates for developers for make things more revolutionary and much more. As there are more feature in the iOS than the macs but user still love it. So enjoy texting like never before.

      iMessage Revolution
      iMessage Revolution

    Optimize Storage add extra space:

    • Apple introduce new way to empty a device with guidance so important data won’t lost so Apple introduce Optimize storage it really free up the space so doing more doodling without any out of space notifications. Optimize storage sensibly detect the device with what data matters least like old iPhone backups, bin data other old files which other data which is on the cloud can simply delete from the device and user can get it on the demand so never lose data while emptying your device.

    iCloud Drive:

    • New iCloud Drive add new way to interact with devices like data which lies here and there and the system will securely reaches to other system without any issue so use can mange both device and easy to manage with data handling.

    Siri Make Mac your personal assistant:

    • Siri finally sails at Mac with all new capabilities as Siri is seamlessly as work awesome like in iOS. Sierra Siri comes with new interface a taking based sheet same as iOS Siri also comes with dock trigger button so user can trigger Siri instantly and ready to works.

      Siri Make Mac your personal assistant
      Siri Make Mac your personal assistant

    • Siri on Mac has different capabilities as from iOS Siri can now search inside for folder, files, Photos and much more. Siri can works as automations perfectly. Siri opens lot more capabilities if have developers texture and Siri is available for developers now things are more better than ever. Siri also include new search and take out based thing so user can do things seamlessly.


    • Sierra is a great step forward from El Capitan with focus on user need with new capabilities like new Continuity, easier than ever auto unlock, power Apple Pay and much more which makes this system more interesting than ever.
    • Sierra will be available for developers preview starting today and public beta at July while final release on this fall.
    • For compatibility it supports Macs 2010 and above so user can take benefit of these things.


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